Uzrok smrti: Sedmi slučaj doktorice Kay Scarpetta
In the Croatian translation by Martina Gračanin, with illustrations by Nenad Martić, The Cause of Death of Patricia Cornwell is the seventh and so far the most exciting adventure of dr. Kay Scarpetta.
On the dark pre-holiday morning of the last day of the year, an unusual phone call to her deputy prompts Dr. Scarpetta, chief of forensic pathology, to don a diving suit and descend into the murky, icy waters of the Elizabeth River in search of the body of renowned journalist Ted Eddings.
What kind of new sensational story was Eddings chasing in the naval shipyard and port of old ships under construction? Did he die in an accident or was he killed? And while dr. Scarpetta tries to find meaning in the labyrinth of dust particles, strange smells, perceived threats and behind-the-scenes insinuations, the time in which she has to decide which of the many seemingly insignificant clues to follow is inexorably running out. Is she only imagining things when she believes there is a conspiracy of horrifying proportions, the outlines of which she can only guess at, but whose purpose she might only be able to uncover if she could determine with certainty the cause of Ted Eddings' death? Will the trap close before dr. Does Scarpetta realize where death is lurking in the first place?
In Kay Scarpetta, Patricia Cornwell created an extremely real and complex character of a woman, vulnerable, frightened, confused by her own emotions, who must show determination, knowledge and cold professional rationality to the outside world. This series of novels certainly owes a significant part of its popularity, both in the world and in our country, to this bipolar structure of the life of a working woman, where each sequel is guaranteed the first place on the list of best-selling books.
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