Makroekonomija, vodič za učenje

Makroekonomija, vodič za učenje

Olivier Blanchard, David W. Findlay

Olivier Blanchard's "Study Guide - Macroeconomics" is a companion material to his textbook, which through concise explanations, exercises and examples helps students better understand key macroeconomic concepts and models.

"Macroeconomics: A Study Guide" by David W. Findlay was developed as a companion material to the textbook "Macroeconomics" by Olivier Blanchard, with the aim of helping students understand macroeconomic concepts. This guide contains approximately 500 self-test questions, 400 revision tasks and 600 round-the-clock questions, allowing students to deepen their knowledge through practical examples and exercises. The authors emphasize the importance of intuitive understanding of the economic relationships within the model, instead of mere memorization, and recommend multiple reading of the material and continuous repetition of the material. Through a step-by-step approach, the guide helps students to effectively master complex macroeconomic models and their applications, thereby achieving a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Original title
Study Guide - Macroeconomics
26.5 x 21 cm
Mate d.o.o, Zagreb, 2006.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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