Pazin is a town in central Istria, known for its rich history and natural beauty. It is located above the karst abyss of Pazinska jama, into which the river Pazinčica plunges.
Pazolini po Pazoliniju: razgovor Đuzepea Kardila i Pjer Paola Pazolinija u Njujorku
In one of the last interviews, from 1969, Giuseppe Cardillo talks to Pier Paolo Pasolini, director of cult films such as Salo or 120 days of Sodom and Decameron, writer, poet and one of the most important intellectuals of Italy in the 20th century
Pečat Trianona (Pariz, utjelovljenje granica svjetova!)
In 216 pages, the author explores the events related to the Peace of Trianon, which was an agreement after the First World War and which significantly affected borders and territorial changes in Europe.
Pesnik mrtvih duša : biografija Nikolaja Vasiljeviča Gogolja
Petar Kružić: kapetan i knez grada Klisa
Petar Prvi - roman u tri dijela
Alexei Tolstoy is a famous Russian writer, and his book "Peter the Great" is a historical novel that deals with the life and reign of the Russian emperor Peter the Great.
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