Political-historical essays
Pet stoljeća borbe za Hrvatsku: književnost, politika, historiografija, jezikoslovlje
Mate Kovačević pointed out that he wrote the book concisely, focusing especially on forgeries and cover-ups within recent Croatian history, whose protagonists are mostly followers of former South-Communist historiography.
Pisma iz Diletantije
Zvonimir Berković, film director, screenwriter, theater critic and essayist, brings his letters, published in Globus and Vjesnik, to real and symbolic addressees of the Croatian past and present in one place.
Pljačkaši prirode
A book by Thomas Daring (pseud. of Anton Zischka) that focuses on the subject of colonial exploitation of natural resources during the 19th and 20th centuries. Very rarely offered with a beautifully preserved cover.
Politika u Hrvatskoj
Frano Supilo was a prominent Croatian politician and journalist, known for his work at the beginning of the 20th century, especially in the context of the Yugoslav movement and the fight against Hungarianization and Germanization.
Priznanje (jedno iskustvo sa procesa u Pragu)
This book provides an insight into the political repressions of the time and the personal suffering the author went through.
Razvoj narodne vlasti u Slavoniji i Baranji, 1941.-1945.
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