Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.8 - br.2, str. 1-332 (2001)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Kaznenopravna odgovornost i zaštita mladeži
The book of prof. Ph.D. Mladen Singer, is a comprehensive scientific commentary on the Law on Youth Courts as well as the corresponding norms of the special part of the Croatian Criminal Code.
Kaznenopravna odgovornost mladeži u praksi i teoriji (s prilozima i literaturom)
The book deals exhaustively with the responsibility of youth from the aspect of criminal and criminal procedural law.
Kaznenopravna zaštita države i njenog društvenog uređenja (politički delikti)
The book deals with the criminal law protection of the state and its social structure, with a special emphasis on political crimes and torts.
Komentar Osnovnom zakonu o braku
The book provides a detailed analysis and interpretation of the marriage laws then in force.
Korupcija u hrvatskom zdravstvu
The book in front of you was written with the intention of clarifying the basic concepts related to corruption in health systems.
Kratka povijest korupcije
The book "A Brief History of Corruption" explores corruption as a universal and long-lasting social phenomenon, analyzing its development through different eras and cultures.
Kriterijumi odmeravanja kazne
The book deals with key issues related to sentencing in criminal law.
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