Spiritual guides
Teloskop: Ključ za otkrivanje vašeg karaktera prema tipu građe tela
The book by Carol Saltus focuses on connecting the physical characteristics of the body with personality traits. This approach is based on the idea that body type can provide insights into an individual's psychological tendencies, emotions and general cha
Temelji vjere
The book Foundations of Faith by Herbert Madinger presents the basic contents and attitudes of the Catholic faith and the Church, intended for Catholics to better understand their own faith, as well as for non-Catholics to get to know Catholicism.
The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language
Open The Message and God’s Word Comes Alive! Discover the surprise and wonder of God’s Word. The Message Bible promises to immerse your imagination and stir your faith. Hear God’s heart speaking your heart’s language.
The Way Of The Master
The Way of the Master will put a great tool into your hand and will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear ― the way Jesus did!
Tri Zdravomarije: Ključ za odlazak u Raj
The devotion to the Three Hail Marys continues in our days to bring fruits of conversion and salvation to everyone who prays it with faith and perseverance.
Tumačenje Svetog Evanđelja po Jovanu / Tumačenje poslanica sv. Jovana Bogoslova
The work of Archimandrite Justin Popović, one of the most important Serbian theologians of the 20th century. This book presents a detailed exegetical and spiritual interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, known for its deeply theological and mystical approach
Učiti iz osobne prošlosti : o masovnoj nevolji duševnih bolesti koje se mogu izbjeći
From her large practice through work with children and young people, the author helps to point out the mass problem of mental illnesses that can be avoided.
Uđimo u korablju
The book was translated into Croatian and was published on the occasion of Father James's tour of Croatia from July 27 to August 14, 2001.
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