Porijeklo i društvena uloga religije
Pozvani na radost
"Called to Joy" by George Augustine explores deep themes of happiness, fulfillment, and the meaning of life.
Priča o Li Kuang Shiju
The search for identity and meaning takes the protagonist from China to America and India, and then back to China.
Prihvatiti Božji zagrljaj
"Embracing God's Embrace" is a 2018 book by Leo Tanner that focuses on deepening one's personal relationship with God through prayer and meditation.
Put do odgovora
The book "The Path to the Answer" by Fr. Ivo Pavić, published in 2009 in Osijek, is a collection of his interviews with journalists, containing one hundred questions and answers.
Riječi njihovog svjedočanstva
Svećenik - Kristov učenik
The book "Priest - Disciple of Christ" by Lusha Gjergji deals with the topic of priesthood in a contemporary context.
Svetac mladih, sveti Dominik Savio
The book "Saint of the Youth, Saint Dominic Savio", by John Don Bosco, published in 2014, depicts the life and spiritual path of Dominic Savio, one of the youngest saints of the Catholic Church.
Svjedočanstvo: od iluzije k istini
Dr. Gloria Polo Ortiz, a dentist from Colombia, had an accident in 1995 at the age of 36. She was struck by lightning.
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