Documents and records

Sječa Hrvatske u Karađorđevu 1971.: autorizirani zapisnik

Sječa Hrvatske u Karađorđevu 1971.: autorizirani zapisnik

Meditor, 1994.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Srednjovjekovni statut grada Budve

Srednjovjekovni statut grada Budve

With a foreword by the translator Nikola Vučković.

Turistički savez - Budva, 1970.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Tito: 120 godina u 120 fotografija - najbolje zaboravljene snimke iz privatnih albuma i javnih arhiva

Tito: 120 godina u 120 fotografija - najbolje zaboravljene snimke iz privatnih albuma i javnih arhiva

Tvrtko Jakovina

The monograph contains 120 carefully selected photographs from private albums and public archives, which illustrate key moments from Tito's life and political career. With historical commentary Tvrtko Jakovine.

Globus, 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Tumač obćemu austrijskomu gradjanskomu zakoniku I - II

Tumač obćemu austrijskomu gradjanskomu zakoniku I - II

Adolf Rušnov

The General Austrian Civil Code, published in 1811, represents the second significant codification of civil law in Europe after the famous French Code Civil from 1804. OGZ in Croatia and Slavonia was introduced in 1852, when imperial patent no. 246.

Knjižarnica Lavoslava Hartmana, 1891.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
The book consists of two volumes
U Titovim pandžama (Svjedočanstva)

U Titovim pandžama (Svjedočanstva)

Vladislav Musa

The content of the book is real and experienced in the enslaved homeland, in the dictatorship and Tito's prisons.

Vlastita naklada, 1973.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Život u NDH : fotomonografija (1941.-1945.)

Život u NDH : fotomonografija (1941.-1945.)

Anri Paravić

More than 120 photographs from the period 1941-1945. some of them published for the first time, with each photo there is a short description. All aspects of life in the NDH in that period are documented.

Europapress holding, 2010.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
6.36 - 6.38