Prolegomena teoriji jezika
Starting from the principles of Saussure and the principles of Prague structuralism, Hjelmslev and his followers inaugurated immanent linguistics. He influenced numerous linguists in Europe and America.
Protivrečnosti u socijalističkoj privredi
Protiv struje: studije i eseji
Psihe: kult duša i vjera u besmrtnost u Grka
In this work, the famous German classical philologist and friend of Nietzsche, Erwin Rohde, describes the ancient Greek cult of souls and the sources of the belief in the immortality of the Greeks, exploring its relationship to life before and after death
Psihologija i ljudska dvojba
Whether reflecting on war, psychology, or the ideas of existentialist thinkers such as Sartre and Kierkegaard, Dr. May everywhere expands our view of how humans can develop creatively in the human predicament.
Putevi ka Ničeu
Questions de méthode
Without calling into question Marx's theses, particularly on the importance of material conditions in human relationships, Sartre intends to show that these relationships, however reified they may be, cannot be dissolved into economics.
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