Od Versaillesa do kraja Drugoga svjetskog rata
The book provides an overview of key events and changes in the world from the end of World War I to the end of World War II.
Ogulinski proces Josipu Brozu 1927.
Olako obećana brzina
Oni su branili Beograd
Operacija Walküre
The attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944 in today's Germany is not exactly celebrated, regardless of the thousands executed, nor is the heroic undertaking of the one-armed war veteran Claus von Stauffenberg particularly glorified.
Operation Fish: The race to save Europe's wealth, 1939-1945
Brilliant book written about a little-known operation in WW2 by someone very close to it. It was the largest movement of wealth in history and to this day is not really understood.
Opet jaše Ku-klux-klan
The book is written in a lively and sharp style, which - along with a vivid film of facts - continuously keeps the attention of the reader who likes nonfiction full of twists and a certain cynicism imposed by the topic.
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