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The book deals with the causative agents of plant diseases, plant protection agents, poisoning and first aid, protection machines, protection of field crops, vegetable plants, fruit trees and vines.
Zaštita voćaka od bolesti, štetnika i korova
Certain diseases and pests are classified according to the type of fruit tree they attack, but as many of them attack more than one species, in order to avoid repetition, they are usually classified only for the fruit tree they attack the most.
Zašto pišem i drugi eseji
Zavoji (363 originalne ilustracije)
Handbook for students of medical faculties, higher and secondary medical schools, for students of defense and protection in secondary, higher and higher schools, for the needs of national defense, army and civil protection, for first aid....
Zbornik radova Prvog znanstvenog sabora Slavonije i Baranje
Proceedings of the First Scientific Assembly of Slavonia and Baranja held on 17-19. May 1970
Zdravo kombiniranje hrane - Osnove Hayeve dijete
Željko Malnar: Put Aleksandra Velikog
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