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Titles in our offer
The first crime novel by the experienced film director and screenwriter Davor Žmegač Crvotočina shows the complexity of the world, its appearances that can be compared to those of the movies, and opens up a series of moral questions...
Ekspozicija tame
In „Exposition of Darkness“ begleiten wir einen Jungen, der im (fiktiven) Dorf Viru zwischen Koprivnica, Đurđevac und Bjelovar aufwächst, vom kalendarischen und realen (Sarajevo-Attentat) Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Kamen, cvijet i amen
Kamen, cvijet i amen is a novel in which one dreams of another life and escape, a novel about a world in which there is no place for those who are sensitive and an island whose sunny idyll is only an illusion, and superstition and primitivism strike where
Knjiga snova 1956.-2002.
The double life of an editorial legend.
Obiteljske stvari
A story about family love, about memory's ability to keep the truth alive, and about the danger of denying memory. At the same time extensive and intimate, comic and tragic, it is a kaleidoscopic, deeply emotional saga about home and the heart.
Otok nestalih stabala
Defne and Kostas are on opposite sides of the divided earth; she is Turkish, he is Greek, both call Cyprus home, and their love is forbidden.
Pisma iz Diletantije
Zvonimir Berković, film director, screenwriter, theater critic and essayist, brings his letters, published in Globus and Vjesnik, to real and symbolic addressees of the Croatian past and present in one place.
Pitanje anatomije
In The Question of Anatomy, Marina Vujčić writes a sad-happy story about the love and friendship of two so different, yet so deeply similar recluses.