Dračevička 12
Titles in our offer
1001 noć: Ljubavna i erotska lirika
One of the most important Arabists today, Esad Duraković, made sure that these verses were translated into our language with optimal respect for their original prosody and that their extraordinary beauty was preserved.
In the new novel, after two somewhat autobiographical books of prose, Ivica Prtenjača returns to imagination, dreams and the need for a fairy tale.
A što sad?: Upute za suočavanje sa životnim nevoljama
Mirjana Krizmanić's book offers practical and quick instructions for dealing with life's most difficult troubles. This manual will serve as your first psychological aid that you will always be able to have with you.
Autoportreti s damama
Velibor Čolić's new novel is an arabesque bildungsroman with a poetics stuck in the Bermuda triangle between Pedro Almodovar, Ridley Scott and Leonard Cohen.
Blijedi jahač : kako je španjolska gripa 1918. promijenila svijet
Bog sutrašnjice - Naš najveći duhovni izazov
Brak bez vikanja: Kako postići kvalitetan, iskren i skladan odnos sa životnim partnerom
In Marriage Without Yelling, renowned relationship expert Hal Runkel introduces readers to methods to help them calm down and become connected to their life partner.
Četiri sporazuma sa samim sobom: Iskustveni vodič prema osobnoj slobodi
In Four Agreements with Yourself, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of the beliefs that limit us, rob us of joy and cause us unnecessary suffering.