Trnjanska 47
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Gusari i carevi, stari i novi
International terrorism as it really is
Moj pogled na svijet
Einstein's book from 1956 contains a selection of his articles and essays written over a period of dozens of years. Each text is accompanied by the original and basic information about the text.
Murphyjev zakon u ljubavi
Murphy's Law books for all times and all occasions. Cry until you laugh, laugh until you cry.
Posljednje tri minute: Priča o svršetku svemira
Paraphrasing the title of Weinberg's acclaimed book The First 3 Minutes, renowned physicist Paul Davies wrote The Last 3 Minutes, in which he made scientifically based assumptions about the ultimate fate or end of our universe.
Šaka Božja
„The Fist of God“ von Frederick Forsyth, dem Autor von „Der Tag des Schakals“, „Der Fall Odessa“ und vielen anderen Romanen, ist ein spannender Spionageroman, in dem Mike Martin nach einer irakischen Geheimwaffe sucht, mit der Saddam Hussein es vorhat um