Grašcica 2g
Titles in our offer
Kako živjeti s kućnim čudovištima
Stanislav Marjanović and his pet monsters are already well known not only to our children, but also in 23 other countries of the world.
Knjiga čarobnih formula
The fairy tale about Roga and Boda and Grdoban the Terrible. What happens when human beings go on vacation leaving two little house monsters alone?
Kodarova frula
How Kodar survived, what happened to the factory and the evil stepsons, read in this unusual life story enriched with futuristic illustrations.
Korenčica is a fairy tale about friendship, about greed and the pursuit of wealth, about love, from which springs a strong call to preserve the beautiful world of animals.
Kradljivac vrhova
The thief of the peaks is a book with a dose of the finest philosophical-Lacrdian humor that can be read as a guide to solving small and large life puzzles.
Krotitelj oblaka
In a distant mountain live the Tamers, a people who know the secret of taming the clouds. Amazed by their powers, the boy Petar becomes their student...
Kruna kraljice vrana
In this picture book, we meet the queen of crows Grakra, the master Kravra, the cat Crow-eater, the little crow Mušrva, the pike Gladusa, the decoy, a shell, a crown and a ring...