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Jo Nesbø continues the successful story of the detective Harry Hole series of novels that has won numerous literary awards, including The Glass Key and the Riverton Prize.
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Lindsey is convinced that her ex-husband is stalking her, even though he claims to have changed. But has Andrew really become a different person or does Lindsey want to harm someone much more dangerous?
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He's used to getting everything he wants...
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The incredibly witty and charmingly honest sequel to the novel He Loves, She Loves will reveal to you what really happens after the sentence-And they lived happily ever after….
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On the day she was abducted, Annie O'Sullivan, a thirty-two-year-old realtor, had three goals: sell the house, forget the latest fight with her mother, and make it to dinner with her boyfriend in time.
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How Antibiotic Overuse Fuels Modern Plagues.
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When Thea finds herself on a hijacked plane somewhere over the Libyan desert, her priority is to take care of two boys rescued from the war in Africa, who are now traveling with her to a new family in London.