Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu
Titles in our offer
Ekonomska podloga hrvatskog pitanja i drugi radovi
Rudolf Bićanić, a long-time professor of economics at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, occupies a significant place in Croatian science with his pedagogical and scientific work.
Granice rizika
Ethical and legal approaches to medicine
Hrestomatija opće povijesti prava i države 1-2
"Hrestomatija of the general history of law and the state 1-2" by Šefko Kurtović follows the content of the textbook of the same name, providing a collection of original texts, legal documents and historical materials that illustrate key moments in the de
Latinski za pravnike = Latinitas iuridica: početni udžbenik
The textbook is adapted to the needs of law students who are starting to learn the Latin language. Aimed at mastering the basics of the Latin language and terminology that is essential for understanding Roman law and legal texts.
Odgovornost za ratne zločine pred sudovima u Hrvatskoj
A book on the sources of law for responsibility for war crimes before courts in Croatia by a professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb.
Viktimologija: studije o žrtvama
The book is known for its detailed analysis and research on various aspects of victimology, including psychological, social and legal aspects of victims.