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Jedan primjerak je u ponudi
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These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's whispering your name.
Announced by Fr. Placido with the approval of the spiritual realms. Reprint of the book published in Vukovar in 1909 by "Sriemskih novina".
The book Our Caring Father by Ellen G. White brings inspiring thoughts about God's love, care and guidance in the life of believers.
This miraculous prayer, Jesus, think of you!, which strengthens us in all needs and difficulties, was inspired by Jesus himself and written by Don Dolindo Ruotolo.
This book offers a deeper understanding of joy and invites us to actively seek it in all aspects of our lives.
Knjiga ispituje poruke i dela Avatara Satje Sai Babe u svetlu teozofije ili večne mudrosti, ovaj duboki duhovni pristup povezuje učenja Sai Babe sa osnovnim principima teozofije.