10-10-10: Odlučite gdje želite biti za 10 minuta, 10 mjeseci, 10 godina
Most people are not very good at making decisions. At home, at work and in personal relationships, they make them hastily or for the wrong reasons and often worry about whether they made the right decision. Suzy Welch believes that it has an easy-to-apply
The "10-10-10" process is a simple and effective tool that should help people think through every decision they make, big or small. Should you take that deal or make another one? Do you need to move? How should you deal with a problematic friend? Using dozens of real-life examples, Suzy Welch shows how to make decisions that will work.
The author points out that the "10-10-10" process is particularly effective when people are torn between two decisions and allows them to see what both could mean in the immediate, mid-term and distant future. Exploring the impact of their decisions will help them understand what they really want and how to live in harmony with their deepest values and goals.
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