Nova cesta 120
Naslovi u ponudi
Ave luna: mjesec i svakodnevica
Knowledge of the qualities of the Moon in elements and constellations, the meaning of the Moon in astrological fields, knowledge of the effect of the Moon on man, can help in cognition, the transition from the unconscious to the conscious, and in the volu
Blaga iz raja: Spomenici prošlosti od Noine arke do Torinskog platna
The author investigates the most famous relics of the last two thousand years, connecting the origin, origin and religious meanings with the latest discoveries of modern science, which can determine the exact dates of origin and their authenticity.
Bogovi, grobovi, znanstvenici: roman o arheologiji
The book is an attempt to bring the scientific facts related to the archaeological research of the oldest civilizations closer to the reader and make them interesting. Written fluently, the book really reads like the most suspenseful novel.
Evolucija božanstva: od sfinge do Krista
"The Evolution of Divinity" was published in 1912, and the subtitle "From the Sphinx to Christ" indicates that it is the first part of a larger whole. The second part (which remained unwritten) was supposed to show the esoteric tradition from Christ to Lu
Filozofija i smrt
This work, along with various themes and problems of the Asian philosophical and religious schools, tries to show the acceptance of death as a part of life. The tradition of a cultivated relationship with death acts as a medicine and enables a positive re
Keltski horoskop
In addition to introducing the reader to the symbolism of the Celtic horoscope, which is based on their worship of trees, the author offers a brief introduction to who the Celts were, what their religion, symbolism was, as well as basic information about
Kraljevstvo anđela
The purpose of writing this book about angels is to provide knowledge that can serve as a basis for further study of the angelic hierarchy.
Mudrost snova : Kako razumjeti i primjenjivati jezik simbola
In this introduction to the application of dreams in everyday life, the most famous German dream expert Klausbernd Vollmar shows how to understand dreams and use them to solve everyday problems and achieve a greater level of joy in life.