Biskupski ordinarijat
Titles in our offer
Pa da mi je i dolinom smrti proći
Riječ Božja o Mariji: Marija u povijesti spasenja
The book "The Word of God about Mary: Mary in the history of salvation" by Josef Dreissen and Hans Steffens explores the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the history of salvation.
S papom Ivanom Pavlom II. - Osijek, 7. lipnja 2003., Zračna luka ˝Osijek˝
Liturgical guide
Što je sveta misa?
This book provides a detailed explanation of the Holy Mass, its meaning and importance in the Catholic faith.
Tako sam susreo Boga
That's how I met God is a book that offers an unusual conversion. Author Hellmut Laun guides us through his experience of encountering God's presence.
Ti si Krist - za nas i za sve ljude
"You are Christ - for us and for all people" a book from 2008 explores deep spiritual and theological themes through the prism of Christ's message and its significance for humanity.
Vodič kroz katedralu - baziliku u Đakovu
In Croatian, German, English, French, Italian and Hungarian.
Živjeti u Božjoj radosti
Das Buch „Leben in der Freude Gottes“ von Joseph de Sainte-Marie bietet einen tiefen Einblick in das Leben und die Botschaft von Klara Kastelbajska.