Hiljadu i jedna noć
Reich illustriertes Bilderbuch, die Illustrationen sind in Schwarzweiß und in Farbe. Bibliothek für Kinderklassiker.
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- Slight damage to the cover
Reich illustriertes Bilderbuch, die Illustrationen sind in Schwarzweiß und in Farbe. Bibliothek für Kinderklassiker.
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The short story "The Bear and the Fox" was published by Fehim H. Baščausević in the magazine Behar Vi/3 in 1905. "Višeput prevareni vuk" was published in 1883 by Nikola Tordinac in the book Croatian Folk Songs and Tales from Bosnia.
Roald Dahl is known as one of the best children's authors of all time, a long-time consecutive winner of the "Author of the Year" award in Great Britain.
Tko god je ikad čuo pjesmicu Grga Čvarak, teško da je zaboravio tog nestašnog dječaka. Slikovnicu Grga Čvarak obožavat će i djeca i odrasli.