1-2-3 uspjeh za odgojitelje i učitelje
Effective discipline from kindergarten to 8th grade
During their formal education, teachers receive little or no training in establishing discipline in the classroom or managing the classroom in general. But experienced teachers will tell you what will happen if you do nothing about the behavior of a demanding child: the whole school year can be disrupted. Establishing discipline in a school class or in a group of lively little ones doesn't have to be exhausting!
Inspired by the bestseller for parents "1-2-3 Success: Effective Discipline for Children Ages 2 to 12", the manual "1-2-3 Success for Educators and Teachers" explains in clear and simple language the precise ways in which educators and teachers can establish and reasonably maintain discipline in the educational group or class. Learn: an extremely simple method for eliminating unruly behavior in a group, how to encourage and encourage good behavior in the classroom and the development of work habits, how your personality affects your style of teaching and dealing with children, how to successfully transition to new activities, reliable advice that can apply on playgrounds, children's events and plays, excursions, during cleaning and lunch breaks, how to communicate constructively with parents. "1-2-3 Success for educators and teachers" removes all doubts regarding classroom discipline. This unique program enables educators and teachers to work calmly and undisturbed with children and, above all, peace of mind. "If you're a teacher, get this book. If you're a parent, give it to your child's teacher. The kids will thank you."
One copy is available