Parenting and upbringing

100 pravila odgoja

100 pravila odgoja

Richard Templar

100 rules of upbringing is a unique manual that will help you face all the challenges of parenting more easily. You will raise a self-confident child who respects and sympathizes with others, but at the same time knows how to stand up for himself and his

Znanje, 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
1-2-3 uspjeh za odgojitelje i učitelje

1-2-3 uspjeh za odgojitelje i učitelje

Thomas Phelan, Sarah Schonour

Effective discipline from kindergarten to 8th grade

Ostvarenje, 2006.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
50 savjeta za zdravlje djece

50 savjeta za zdravlje djece

Jasmina Sarić, Tanja Pekez Pavliško
24 sata, 2014.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
7 navika uspješnih tinejdžera: vrhunski vodič za uspješne tinejdžere

7 navika uspješnih tinejdžera: vrhunski vodič za uspješne tinejdžere

Sean Covey

Based on his father Stephen R. Covey's book "Seven Habits of Successful People", the author wrote this book as a useful guide for teenagers through all the doubts and problems of growing up.

Mozaik knjiga, 2001.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Budi spremna, djevojko!

Budi spremna, djevojko!

Samantha Rugen

A book with a lot of information about everything a girl needs to know in order to be healthy, beautiful and full of self-confidence

Mozaik knjiga, 1997.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
5.22 - 5.32
Dječja kuharica: recepti sa svih strana svijeta

Dječja kuharica: recepti sa svih strana svijeta

The book contains 56 recipes for easy-to-prepare dishes that young chefs will enjoy preparing as well as eating! Recipes that are loved by children and come from various parts of the world have been selected.

Egmont, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Dječja pitanja - Priručnik za odgajatelje

Dječja pitanja - Priručnik za odgajatelje

Nada Babić
Školska knjiga, 1983.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Dobar roditelj - Upoznajte sebe i svoje dijete

Dobar roditelj - Upoznajte sebe i svoje dijete

Shirley Lane Smith

In this parenting guide, there are a number of suggestions that can help when a child is suffering from depression or sadness, feeling angry, helping to develop a sense of self-confidence and the ability to make independent decisions, and much more.

Dušević & Kršovnik, 2007.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Igrom i smijehom kroz djetinjstvo

Igrom i smijehom kroz djetinjstvo

Dušević & Kršovnik, 2007.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Kako pripremati dijete za školu

Kako pripremati dijete za školu

Gorana Hitrec

Gorana Hitrec's book brings concrete, useful, high-quality professional advice and answers to many questions that parents ask about raising preschool children and first-year students.

Školska knjiga, 1991.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.