Vitamini: Zdrave aktivne tvari
Where to look quickly when you want to know what's really in our food? Many people are looking for a short and concise booklet that they can quickly glance at when in doubt. This guide is perfect for that!
In the first part you can find all the important facts and advice about individual vitamins. Vitamins - what kind of substance is it? What is my need for vitamins, how can I meet it and what will happen if I don't take enough vitamins? Along with the descriptions of individual vitamins, there is also a small table with examples of foods that can meet part of your daily vitamin needs.
You can read which vitamins you need every day from the overview table. In the extensive food tables, you will find more than 10,000 pieces of information about vitamins found in the most common foods. In the overview list, you will find the vitamin content of selected vitamin preparations that serve as dietary supplements, which you can get in many pharmacies, health food stores and drugstores.
Interesting: how important vitamins are for health and good condition. Clear: comprehensive food tables with information on the quantities of all vitamins.
Informative: special lists of foods that are particularly rich in vitamins. Appendix: multivitamin preparations - what they contain and how much of them you should take daily.
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