Razvoj deteta

Razvoj deteta

Elizabeta B. Herlok

The book deals with the different stages of growth and development of children from infants to adolescents.

Some of the topics in the book are:

  • Physical development: This topic covers all aspects of a child's physical growth and development, including physical changes, motor skills and health.
  • Cognitive development: Here, how a child's mind develops is explored. This includes cognitive processes such as perception, attention, memory, language and thinking.
  • Social-emotional development: This topic deals with the emotional aspects of children's development, including the understanding of emotions, the development of social skills, friendships and family relationships.
  • Moral development: The author can explore how children develop their moral values ​​and understanding of right and wrong.
  • Theories of development: The book can describe different theories and approaches that explain children's development, such as the theory of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson and others.

Original title
Child development
Fridrih Troj
Božidar Arežina
23.5 x 16 cm
Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika SR Srbije, Beograd, 1956.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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