Pravo međunarodnih plaćanja u poslovnim transakcijama

Pravo međunarodnih plaćanja u poslovnim transakcijama

Ljudevit Rosenberg

The book analyzes a variety of topics, including international treaties, trade, investment, monetary policies, and other aspects of the international economy.

Ljudevit Rosenberg (Osijek, November 1, 1908 – Zagreb, October 15, 1999) was a Croatian lawyer and expert in international law. His work "The Law of International Transactions" from 1971 is certainly one of his most important works.

Aleksandar Goldštajn
Graphics design
Marijan Jevšovar
24 x 17 cm
Informator, Zagreb, 1975.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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