Uvod u građansko pravo (opšti deo)

Uvod u građansko pravo (opšti deo)

Andrija Gams

This book covers the basic concepts and principles of civil law, including legal norms, legal relations, subjects of law, and property rights and obligations. It also analyzes different legal institutes and their applications in practice.

The book "Introduction to Civil Law" by Andrije Gams covers many interesting topics. Here are some key topics that you might find particularly interesting:

  • Basic concepts of civil law: Introduction to the basic concepts and principles that form the basis of civil law.
  • Legal norms and relations: Analysis of legal norms and how they regulate relations between legal entities.
  • Subjects of law: Detailed explanation of who are the subjects of law, including natural and legal persons.
  • Property Rights: An overview of the different types of property rights, including ownership, possession and real rights.
  • Obligatory law: Consideration of contractual and non-contractual obligations, and how they are applied in practice.
  • Inheritance law: Topics related to inheritance, wills and legal inheritance. These topics provide a fundamental understanding of civil law and are useful for law students, lawyers and anyone involved in legal matters.

Gordana Nikolić
24 x 17 cm
Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1963.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
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  • Traces of patina

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