Tito bez maske

Tito bez maske

Miro Simčić

He was respected by members of the people of his country, but also by leading world leaders. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is still a lively interest in secret or unexplored details from the life of the former Yugoslav president.

Tito was the leader of a small state, but the political game he played was bigger than the size and power of Yugoslavia at the time, which guaranteed him a place among the most important statesmen of the 20th century. That is why it is not surprising that all the world's elite attended his funeral in Belgrade in May 1980. Some even to make sure that he was really dead.

"Tito without a mask" is a monograph in which the journalist Miro Simčič confirms or refutes some theories about Tito's life and death in a hospital in Ljubljana in 1980 with documents or through witnesses. This book tells about his life and also brings some completely new and never-before-published information. .

How many marriages did Tito really have, what happened behind the closed doors of the Clinical Center in Ljubljana in the first half of May 1980, what were the results of Tito's autopsy, why Tito's wife disappeared from political life.

The book contains many photographs, some of which have been published for the first time. Journalist and publicist Miro Simčič was born in Rijeka, lives in Ljubljana, and published books and pamphlets in Slovenia, Austria and Italy. In the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, in box number 36, Simčić managed to discover intriguing and hitherto unknown details from the life of Josip Broz.

Among other things, the autopsy report on Josip Broz is stored in that box, which proves that the doctors from Tito's team decided on the wrong medical procedures during his treatment. That box also contains documents that we can say represent Tito's testament, his last will, and in that same box are also stored credible documents that bear witness to the most guarded secret of the political leadership of the former state: the dramatic break in the relationship between Josip and Jovanka Broz.

Original title
Tito brez maske
Jakov Lovrić
Zoran Maljković
Bojan Bitežnik
Graphics design
Bojan Bitežnik
24 x 17 cm
Mozaik knjiga, Zagreb, 2008.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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