Ana i Gospon Bog

Ana i Gospon Bog


The history that Fynn tells today happened about thirty years ago. Fynn was then nineteen years old and wandering around the docks of London's East End.

One foggy night in November, he ran into a little girl, dirty, tortured and terrified. She was sitting on the sidewalk, on the street bars in front of the bakery. He took her home and entrusted her to his mother, a stout Irish woman, who accepted all those and all that her children would bring. Ana's main interest in life was intimacy, friendship with God, "Lord God", as she expressed herself. She understood the meaning of life and the meaning of love. At the age of six, she was a theologian, mathematician, philosopher, poet and naturalist. And already at the age of seven - she died, after an accident she experienced on the street. A slight spasm covered her beautiful face after the accident, but even then she managed to say to Fynn, "Fynn, I bet the Lord God will let me go to heaven because of this." This unusual story about Anna is narrated by a truly unusual witness, and the author of the foreword, who knows him, confirms that he really exists. But that's not the story; it is true history - a new, brilliantly told, short "history of one soul" that does not tell "objective truths" but reveals the whole truth of its inner world.

Original title
Mister God, this is Ana
Olga Vučetić
20 x 13 cm
Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb, 1995.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Slight damage to the cover
  • A message of a personal nature

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