Hormonska formula: Kako žene uistinu mršave
The most important thing is to determine your female hormonal biorhythm and which hormonal type you belong to. Losing weight will be more successful if you work with your body, not against it.
Being beautiful and slim means the same thing as social recognition to many younger, and more and more, older women. It's not by chance.
How a woman feels in her body largely depends on family circumstances. What messages did parents convey to girls growing up about their appearance? And what was valued in a woman when she was a child?
How many women are really overweight is relatively unimportant. The fact is that only a relatively small percentage of women have a healthy body image. Women do not have to have eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia or binge eating. Just constantly thinking about the body and measuring weight testify to doubt - as well as numerous (unsuccessful) implemented diets and sports programs.
What's important... feel good in your own skin. This book will not only help you better understand what's going on in your body, and thus the yo-yo effect that is "typical for women". It will help you accept your own body - even if it doesn't (anymore) look like Heidi Klum's super body after three pregnancies. This is not some new diet with which you are guaranteed to lose five kilos in two weeks. Her goal is for you to learn to look at your own body realistically.
A complete program that includes nutrition in accordance with the metabolism, physical activity and relaxation exercises will help you feel better in your body, live a better life and gain a positive self-image.
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