Healthy eating
101 najzdravija namirnica: Prehranom do savršenog zdravlja...zalogaj po zalogaj
The manual contains descriptions of the thirty most common health problems (from headaches, arthritis and acne to chronic cold feet and depression) showing how to introduce treatment into the diet using simple recipes.
17-dnevna dijeta: Revolucionarni liječnički program za postizanje brzih rezultata
A completely new and revolutionary diet that guarantees results without sacrifice or starvation. The diet you enjoy is based on the latest scientific knowledge about human metabolism and fat burning.
8 minuta je dovoljno! - Nova formula za zdravlje i vitkost: maksimalni uspjeh uz minimalni napor
A manual by a German fitness instructor who shares his experiences with everyone interested in a healthy and beautiful body.
Bogatstvo vegetarijanske kuhinje
Gone are the days when vegetarians were considered whimsical individuals. Modern vegetarian cuisine is fresh and young, exciting and refined, and more and more gourmets are finding themselves in vegetarianism.
Češće jedite veganski: ukusni recepti koji svima prijaju!
Simple recipes for every day: also pleasing to non-vegans. With lots of information and tips for meal preparation: how to plan and easily prepare vegan meals.
Das neue große Kochbuch
Great recipes for every occasion, cooking like in grandma's time, with questions about the culture of the table and eating, serving and arranging, but also nutrition make this iconic book a universal guide and cooking school for beginners and already expe
Dijeta za bolesti probavnih organa
In some diseases, e.g. in the case of celiac disease (gluten enteropathy), it is really necessary for patients to strictly adhere to the given instructions, which is highlighted in the corresponding text.
Hladna kuhinja: Od zakuski i predjela do hladnog bifea
On 400 pages and with more than 800 tried-and-tested recipes, accompanied by color photographs, this book explains everything you need to know about cold cooking in a simple way in words and pictures.
Hormonska formula: Kako žene uistinu mršave
The most important thing is to determine your female hormonal biorhythm and which hormonal type you belong to. Losing weight will be more successful if you work with your body, not against it.
A practical book
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