17-dnevna dijeta: Revolucionarni liječnički program za postizanje brzih rezultata
A completely new and revolutionary diet that guarantees results without sacrifice or starvation. The diet you enjoy is based on the latest scientific knowledge about human metabolism and fat burning.
The essence of the 17-day diet can be summed up in two words: fast results. This diet does not force you to starve, but is a balanced combination of food and exercise that adapts your body and metabolism to burn fat day after day. The weight loss part of the diet is limited to only 17 days per cycle, so your morale will not be shaken by the thought of endless months of starvation.
Recent research shows that the faster you lose weight, the longer it will take to keep it off.
Therefore, the 17-day diet gives your body a jump start, and rapid weight loss acts as a mental boost. The entire program is focused on getting you to your ideal weight as quickly as possible and making you slim, healthy, and gorgeous without strenuous exercise.
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