Snage sirove hrane : sve o energiji i hranjivim tvarima koje sadržava sirova hrana i činjenice o kombiniranju namirnica
A manual with the help of which it is possible to apply the way of eating and, with the help of the strength and energy contained in raw food, as the author calls it "raw energy", not only to lose weight but also to improve the health, appearance and gene
The author recommends a diet in which 50 to 60 percent of food is eaten raw, explaining the antioxidant effect of raw fruits and vegetables on preserving health. A proper diet with raw foods should promote natural weight loss without starvation, prevent flu and colds, rejuvenate the body, improve physical condition and increase personal energy and creativity.
By following the simple recipes contained in the book, each reader can gradually get used to eating raw foods and thus get rid of extra pounds (such a diet completely cleanses the body and reactivates metabolic processes), reduce a number of everyday ailments (preparations and juices made from raw food increase physical energy and ease the consequences of daily stress, physical and mental daily efforts), improve health, because cleansing the body renews itself and the energy and strength contained in raw food has a healing effect on it.
One copy is available