Povratak golog kuhara

Povratak golog kuhara

Jamie Oliver

At the top of the bestseller list for more than five months with the book "The Naked Chef", the popular Jamie Oliver wrote a sequel to that book, linked to the second season of the hit show on the BBC.

In this book, Oliver focuses exclusively on home cooking, avoiding restaurant recipes, and offers a series of quick tips and recipes with readily available ingredients that ensure delicious meals with minimal effort.

The author's goal is to encourage readers to gain self-confidence in cooking and make changes in their culinary habits. The book is intended for anyone who wants to improve their skills in the kitchen, regardless of previous experience. The recipes are easy to follow and the emphasis is on fresh and seasonal ingredients.

"The Return of the Naked Chef" contains a variety of recipes, from appetizers and main courses to desserts, and also includes useful tips for kitchen organization and meal preparation. With his approachable writing style and enthusiasm, Jamie Oliver inspires readers to explore new flavors and techniques in cooking.

Original title
The Return of the Naked Chef
Božica Jakovlev
Dana Fruschutz
25 x 19 cm
Algoritam, Zagreb, 2003.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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