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Hrvatske narodne pripovijetke iz Mađarske, Rumunjske, Austrije i Čehoslovačke…
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Hrvatske narodne pripovijetke iz Mađarske, Rumunjske, Austrije i Čehoslovačke…
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Five Centuries of Croatian Literature (PSHK) is the largest publishing project in the history of Croatian literature.
"Poems about the Croatian-Slovenian Peasant Revolts" is a collection of poems compiled by Brane Grabeljšek, Anđelko Mijatović and Miroslav Vaupotić, published in 1974 in Zagreb by the publisher Spektar.
In Croatia, pacifist poetry appeared as a strong response to war violence, and emerged from the depths of suffering as a form of resistance to war and violence. At the same time, this poetry expressed uncontrolled anger and hope, intuition and memory.