Children's books
Krotitelj oblaka
In a distant mountain live the Tamers, a people who know the secret of taming the clouds. Amazed by their powers, the boy Petar becomes their student...
Kruna kraljice vrana
In this picture book, we meet the queen of crows Grakra, the master Kravra, the cat Crow-eater, the little crow Mušrva, the pike Gladusa, the decoy, a shell, a crown and a ring...
Stories about a family of bunnies and cabbage, their favorite food. The dynamic plot describes the life of rabbits and all that they like to do, which is to talk, listen to stories and eat cabbage.
Eine verspielte, fantasievolle und humorvolle Geschichte über den Zirkuslöwen Nuru N'zuri, der die ganze Welt bereiste.
La Fontainove basne - Mišja skupština
The fable illustrates the idea that it is easy to propose a solution, but much more difficult to take action.
Lana – Godina mačke
Someone destroyed the young orchard. Did Lana's dad hold a grudge against someone? Did someone take revenge on him? It was sad to see her father's efforts destroyed. Will the police investigate who the perpetrator is? And for Lana to help them? It wouldn'
Lažeš, Melita
Melita has a constant need to lie. This overwhelming feeling that with the help of the lie she will make herself more visible and important, Melita was created in order to warn her parents who do not pay enough attention to her.
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