Spanish literature
Babađi stanje
The book is a biographical record of the life of Victor Truviano, the most famous Bretarian today.
Bistri vitez Don Quijote od Manche
Gaudijev ključ
Their name could only be spoken in a whisper and they were believed to be a legend from ancient times. And yet, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Knights of Moria entrusted Antonio Gaudí, a famous Spanish architect and member of their order, with
Ljubavna obmana u Španjolskoj
Elena Armas is a Spanish writer, a self-deprecating and hopeless romantic and, much to Mr. B's dismay, a proud book collector. She is the author of the bestseller Love Deception in Spain and its sequel The American Roommate Experiment.
Najbolje što se može dogoditi jednom kroasanu
What happens when Pablo Baloo Miralles, a lazy and maladjusted thirty-year-old pleasure hunter and famous philosopher of the Web, in search of his rich brother The First, becomes involved in a secret hidden in a seemingly peaceful neighborhood of Barcelon
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