American literature
Shadows of the Empire
Here is the untold story of the events that took place between the movies The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi: a novel in which Darth Vader still lives and battles a villain as powerful and evil as himself.
Shogun, sv. 1-3.
A novel about Japan. Beginning in feudal Japan a few months before the critical Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Shogun gives an account of the rise of the "Toranaga" daimyo, based on the real-life Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Sjever i jug I-III
Two young men, one from Pennsylvania and the other from South Carolina, meet on their way to West Point, the military academy. The story of the American Civil War, love and hate between two large families on opposite sides.
Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude
Baer tell us how our government’s cynical relationship with our Middle Eastern ally and America’ s dependence on Saudi oil make us increasingly vulnerable to economic disaster and put us at risk for further acts of terrorism.
Složna braća
They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. The third for a career-ending drunken joyride.
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