Science Fiction
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"From Fragile Wings to Spaceship" (1968) by Josip Modly is a popular science book that depicts the development of human flight, from the first attempts to construct aircraft to modern space exploration.
Opus 100
Asimov decided to celebrate the publication of his hundredth book by writing about his previous 99 books, including excerpts from short stories and novels, as well as non-fiction articles and books.
Otkrivanje vještica
The discovery of a mysterious alchemical manuscript in Oxford's Bodleian library will lead historian Diana Bishop, the only person in the world who can open it, to an unexpected search for its origins.
Pali anđeo
Fallen Angel is a book that cannot be put down, but above all it is an extraordinary love story with elements of the supernatural.
Poljubac oštrice
Among the remote streets and abandoned houses lying in the shadow of Rigus, the most beautiful city of the Kingdom, is the City of Shadows.
Pošast s Atlantide
An unprecedented pandemic is sweeping the world. It mowed down almost a billion people - and those who do not die from the plague, are changed on a genetic level. Only rare individuals evolve rapidly, while everyone else dies.
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- Short stories
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