Sve što katolik treba znati o reikiju
The book "Everything a Catholic should know about Reiki" by Josip Blažević provides answers to 50 questions about Reiki, with the aim of helping Catholics understand this practice.
Sveti znakovi: Tumačenje kršćanskih simbola i gesta
In addition to offering fundamental information and insights needed by every Christian, this timeless spiritual classic is written with undisguised religious fervor and beauty of expression that make it very attractive to read and suitable for meditation.
Temelji vjere
The book Foundations of Faith by Herbert Madinger presents the basic contents and attitudes of the Catholic faith and the Church, intended for Catholics to better understand their own faith, as well as for non-Catholics to get to know Catholicism.
The Glory and the Shame: Reflections on the 20th-Century - Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
A comprehensive portrayal of the worldwide 20th-century charismatic movement in all its complexity.
The Radical Church
The church has never been as numerically strong or as globally widespread as it is today. Christianity is presently the world's largest religion - with 1.6 billion adherents.
Trgovci nerođenom djecom
"Traffickers of Unborn Children" by Claude Jacquinot and Jacques Delaye is a book that explores the controversial topic of using live human fetuses for scientific purposes and cosmetology.
Tri Zdravomarije: Ključ za odlazak u Raj
The devotion to the Three Hail Marys continues in our days to bring fruits of conversion and salvation to everyone who prays it with faith and perseverance.
Vitez Kristov dr. Ivan Merz
The biography of Blessed Ivan Merz was written by his spiritual leader and confessor Father Josip Vrbanek, a Jesuit, who accompanied Blessed Ivan on his ascent to holiness in the last period of his life, from 1922 until his death in 1928.
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