Social Science
Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu
Contributions of the Institute of Archeology in Zagreb, Vol. 24 No. -, 2007
Primijenjena matematika za poslovanje, ekonomiju, znanosti o živom svijetu i humanističke znanosti
This book provides an excellent introduction to all mathematical disciplines that are applied in the social sciences, especially economics, but also in the natural sciences.
Primitivni mentalitet
This work is a psychological-sociological treatise, which studies that level of human consciousness, which, according to Lévy-Bruhl, precedes the consciousness of today's European.
Primjena poligrafske tehnike u organima unutrašnjih poslova u SFRJ
The paper analyzes the criminal issues of the use of the polygraph and the polygraph findings that the employees of the internal affairs bodies encounter on a daily basis when conducting criminal investigations.
Pripreme za prvi kontakt
The phenomenon of first contact is in its nature cosmic and multidimensional, therefore, as we learn in the book, it is about returning to a multidimensional SELF, expanding perception and finally ascending to the fifth dimension of existence.
Priručna gramatika hrvatskoga književnog jezika
Priručnik za nastavnika: uz udžbenik ˝Jezik, izražavanje i stvaranje˝
for the 5th grade of elementary school
Priručnik za rad državnih odvjetnika
The first Manual for the work of state attorneys was issued in 2003 and contained basic instructions for the work of state attorneys and deputy state attorneys in criminal cases.
Social Science
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