1941. Godina koja se vraća
The manuscript of author Slavko Goldstein is much more than memoir literature. It is actually an exceptional depiction of a turning point in recent Croatian history... (I. Banac)
This dense text, in which personal and family experiences are intertwined with erudite microhistoriography from Karlovac and Korduna, but also with broader considerations about the nature of the Ustasha and communist movements, is a mosaic of small rounded units, which connects Goldstein's judgments about people and their destinies. In addition to memories, there is a lot of archival and other material, but also a lot of comments on various issues and interpretations of the behavior of individuals. It is solved by a persuasive and lively style, the skill of using illustrative anecdotes and a sense of dramatic plot. However, there are no superfluous or tedious details on any of the 700 cards offered. It's top-notch nonfiction." (from Ive Banac's review)
One copy is available