Rupe u glavi

Rupe u glavi

Vanja Bulić

In the humorous stories from the book Holes in the Head, Vanja Bulić shows sequences from family life and relations between the sexes, in which the humorous aspect and the comedy of situations and confusion dominate.

"The author of these stories gained the greatest popularity with novels, but a sentimental journey into humor and satire pushed him to collect a collection of stories from that genre, which is still his hobby today and which was not unknown to him even in journalistic texts. Not even the most serious ones. That's all him, and these stories are us. As we are or as the author saw us."

Dubravka Dragović Šehović
Špiro Radulović
Graphics design
Nevena Mišković
20 x 13 cm
Laguna, Beograd, 2021.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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