Zen: Ideje,umjetnost, tekstovi
"What is Zen?", "Zen and Japanese arts" and "Zen reader" are the titles of three groups of texts in this interesting and simply written book accessible to all readers.
The texts of this book are grouped into three groups:
The first contains introductory considerations about Zen, its meaning and its value, and sketches of the lives and work of several of its prominent representatives.
The second contains representations of several branches of Japanese arts that developed under the strong influence of Zen and whose full message cannot be understood or accepted without Zen.
The third contains a selection of translations of some classical texts on Zen, from its beginnings to the present day, which, I think, are particularly representative of Zen, written by authors from the West and from the East.
The concept of the book is to be a work about women that follows a middle path: namely, to be neither too professional academic text, nor an unacceptable simplification.
The motivation of the book is to invite the reader who has never been interested in Zen or informed about it to do so, and to encourage the reader who has been interested to become even more interested.
The text that follows is to some extent just a continuation of this preface - and there can't even be an afterword - Zen, in fact, never ends.
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