Božje je ime Milosrđe - Razgovor s Andreom Torniellijem
Pope Francis addresses every man and every woman on the planet with simple and direct words and establishes a confidential personal dialogue. In the center is the topic that is most close to his heart - mercy - which has always been the main basis of his testimony, and now also of his pontificate. From every page emerges the desire to reach all souls - inside and outside the Church - who are looking for the meaning of life, the path of peace and reconciliation, a cure for physical and spiritual wounds. In the first place, to reach that part of restless and wounded humanity that asks to be accepted, not to be rejected: to the poor and marginalized, prisoners and prostitutes, but also to the disoriented and those who are far from religion, to homosexuals and disassembled.
In a conversation with the Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli - through memories from his youth and touching incidents from his experience as a shepherd - the Pope presents the reasons for the extraordinary Holy Year, which he strongly desired. Remaining aware of the ethical and theological issues that arise, he points out that the Church must not close its doors to anyone; on the contrary, its task is to influence the conscience in order to open cracks for acceptance of responsibility and for moving away from the evil done.
In a frank conversation, Pope Francis does not avoid facing the important question of the relationship between mercy, justice and corruption.
And he reminds Christians who are among the "righteous": "The pope is also a man who needs God's mercy."
God's Name is Mercy is published with great worldwide promotion simultaneously in 86 countries.
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