Zdravlje, bioenergija, joga

Zdravlje, bioenergija, joga

Drago Plečko, Ana Babić

Drago Plečko was born in 1951 in Samobor. He finished high school and studied chemistry at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Zagreb.

He received his master's degree at the same faculty in the field of organic chemistry - chemistry of natural compounds. Already at a young age, he had an interest in the fringes of science, so he traveled a lot and researched while making travel and documentary films. He visited all of Croatia and about forty countries on four continents. In addition to hundreds of articles, radio and television shows, he is the author of the first TV film about Medjugorje in this region, the first film about the Italian commune of Damanhur, and also the first film about the Vodnjan mummies and many other Istrian phenomena.

Dobrivoj Keber
Zlatko Klanac, Žika Stojanović, Renata Svetić
Graphics design
Tihomir Milovac
20 x 12.5 cm
Grupa samostalnih autora, Zagreb, 1987.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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