Učinkoviti odnosi s javnošću (deseto izdanje)

Učinkoviti odnosi s javnošću (deseto izdanje)

Glen M. Broom

"Effective Public Relations" (tenth edition, 2010) by Glen M. Broom is one of the key works in the field of public relations.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of theories, strategies, and practical techniques for successfully communicating with target audiences. It emphasizes the importance of research, planning, and evaluation in PR, as well as the role of ethics and social responsibility. It also covers crisis communication, media relations, and the digital transformation of communications. The work is useful for students, professionals, and anyone who wants to understand contemporary public relations.

Original title
Effective public relations
Luka Marković
Đuro Njavro, Mate Njavro
25 x 20 cm
Mate d.o.o, Zagreb, 2010.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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