10 boljih godina: Stipe Mesić
Balance sheet of citizen-president Stjepan Mesić
10 H.P. - Kronika našeg vremena
110 People Who Are Screwing Up America (and Al Franken Is #37)
New York Times bestselling author Bias brings another bombshell - this time aimed at... The 100 People Who Screwed Up America
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
12 rules for life is a book that fundamentally shakes contemporary generally accepted views, a book that will transform and elevate the heart and mind of every reader.
39 dana juna
39 Days of June is a collection of the author's impressions of a visit to a city called Split, which once belonged to his homeland, and now belongs to the writer by language, friends, memories, choice and new definition.
50 godina u državnom dresu
A richly illustrated autobiography of the legendary football player and representative of Yugoslavia, Bernard Vukas.
55 lakih komada
55 easy pieces brings fifty-five essays divided into satirical texts, criticism and reviews, travel texts, and they talk about philosophy, politics, pressing social issues, but also about trivialities, trifles, marginal phenomena...
60 familija Amerike
This pioneering work by Lundberg explores the economic and political influence of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the United States during the first half of the 20th century.
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