Philosophy of religion
Božanstvenost društva
Karmayoga : studije o genezi ideje "praktičkog" u ranoj indijskoj filozofiji
The book "Karmayoga: studies on the genesis of the idea of 'practical' in early Indian philosophy" by Borislav Mikulić explores the development of the concept of karmayoga and its role in Indian philosophy.
Knjiga životnih zakona: 200 vječnih duhovnih načela
The book of life laws is full of wisdom that the author draws from the sacred writings of the most important world religions and various schools of philosophical thought, as well as from scientists, artists, historians...
Krleža o religiji
In his rich, enormous literary opus, Miroslav Krleža often addressed various issues in the field of the theory of atheism and religion.
Levi-Strauss i strukturalna antropologija za početnike
The author of this book traces the development of Levi-Strauss's thought, from the first explorations of the incest taboo through the elaboration of the theory of "wild" thought, to his considerations of art and language, signs and symbols - thereby throw
Marksističko poimanje religije
Materials for the implementation of the fifth topic from the Program of ideological and political training of basic organizations SKH.
Psihe: kult duša i vjera u besmrtnost u Grka
In this work, the famous German classical philologist and friend of Nietzsche, Erwin Rohde, describes the ancient Greek cult of souls and the sources of the belief in the immortality of the Greeks, exploring its relationship to life before and after death
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